While Loch Lomond Villa receives government funding that supports the day to day operations, it’s you, our donors, who make Loch Lomond Villa exceptional through your generosity.
Your donation allows adults in need of support the opportunity to receive innovative therapies and utilize new and innovative equipment to improve their overall quality of life, furthering Loch Lomond Villa’s commitment of providing resident centered care.
As the fundraising partner of Loch Lomond Villa, the Foundation is committed to provide urgently needed funding to continue being a champion of excellence in long-term care for seniors and adults in need of our support.
Review our Strategic Plan Final Document 2017-2020 for 2017-2020
At Loch Lomond Villa Foundation, we strongly believe in the need for transparency and accountability as a charitable organization. Please visit the CRA Website for our Annual Charity Return .
Loch Lomond Villa Foundation Inc. 2016-2017 Annual Financial Audit Statements.